A plugin for Chef::Knife which will diff the cookbook versions of two or more environments.
A knife plugin to move a node, or all nodes in a role, to a specific environment
A knife plugin for interacting with Infoblox DNS/IPAM servers.
Inspect your chef repo as it compares to what is on your chef server
Simple knife helper to fully kill nodes.
A plugin for Chef::Knife which displays node metadata about the last chef run.
A knife plugin to interact with MaaS.
Chef Knife mirror plugin for mirroring Chef Supermarket content (community & private, cookbooks, tools etc)
knife-mysql is a knife plugin for working with MySQL databases on servers managed by Chef.
Knife plugin for Octopus Deploy.
Makes a CLI like module available for octo
A knife plugin for Express 42 openvpn cookbook.
A knife plugin to control Oracle Clouds
Speed up knife operation (search, status, ssh) using chef partial search api.
This plugin reopen lots of classes and should not considered more than a hack (waiting for https://github.com/opscode/chef/issue#1514 to be solved)
Use knife to pin cookbooks on multiple nodes using chef search
Helps to manage cookbook pinnings in Chef environments
This is a plugin for Chef's knife tool. It allows you to do package updates on your nodes with ease!
A preflight plugin for Knife which lets you see which nodes and roles use a particular cookbook before you upload it.
Knife Plugin for Red Hat Network (RHN)
Provision servers with the RightScale platform using knife. It is expected that you already have a Chef Server running or are using a hosted Chef solution from OpsCode.
For a demo/tutorial see [blog post](http://bit.ly/ZDoMqJ).