Installs and configures libffi along with development packages
cookbook 'libffi', '~> 1.0.1'
Installs/Configures libguestfs
cookbook 'libguestfs', '~> 0.1.2'
Install libidn11
cookbook 'libidn', '~> 0.0.1'
Install libmaxminddb
cookbook 'libmaxminddb', '~> 1.0.1'
Install/Configure libmemcached
cookbook 'libmemcached', '~> 0.1.0'
Installs/Configures libmysqlclient-cookbook
cookbook 'libmysqlclient', '~> 0.1.0'
Installs/Configures libqrencode
cookbook 'libqrencode', '~> 3.4.2'
Install libqt4 packages
cookbook 'libqt4', '~> 0.1.0'
Installs/Configures the Librato Agent
cookbook 'librato', '~> 1.1.3'
Provides LWRPs to manage Librato Metrics.
cookbook 'librato_metrics', '~> 0.3.0'
Installs/Configures librenms
cookbook 'librenms', '~> 0.2.29'
Installs/Configures librenms
cookbook 'librenms-ng', '~> 0.6.0'
Install libreoffice
cookbook 'libreoffice', '~> 0.0.2'
Install libssl
cookbook 'libssl', '~> 0.0.2'
Installs/Configures libvirt
cookbook 'libvirt', '~> 0.1.0'
Installs/Configures libvirt
cookbook 'libvirt-grid', '~> 0.1.0'
Installs/Configures libvpx
cookbook 'libvpx', '~> 1.2.2'
Installs/Configures libxml2
cookbook 'libxml2', '~> 0.1.1'
Installs and configures libxslt along with development packages
cookbook 'libxslt', '~> 1.0.1'
Adds Zabbix Server related LWRPs
cookbook 'libzabbix', '~> 0.1.0'